Shopping in Inverness
Browse our Inverness directory for businesses and orgranisations relating to Shopping in Inverness. Our directory is new and currently expanding to provide more Inverness Shopping listings. If you represent a Inverness business or organisation, you can get listed in our directory for free - join our network or find out more about our free advertising services.
Results 1 to 3 of 3 |
New Look
At New Look we all stand by our brand values; keep it simple, be brave, think customer, act with pace and take responsibility- That’s the New Look way! In 1969 New Look contributed to fast fashion...
Unit 61, Eastgate Shopping Centre, Inverness, Inverness-Shire. Tel: 01463 719910
Inverness Army and Navy Store
A new military surplus store in Inverness, retailing a wide range of surplus wear and equipment, camping and survival equipment and outdoor wear. If we dont stock what you are looking for, we will be...
75 Lochalsh Road, Inverness, Inverness-Shire. Tel: 07783 657991
Crown Primary School
Crown School Community Market was set up to help raise funds for the Eco Committee so that they could organise eco activities, buy classroom resources and develop plans for the school. The market...
Kingsmills Road, Inverness, Inverness-Shire. Tel: 01463 233879
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