Cleaning in Inverness
Browse our Inverness directory for businesses and orgranisations relating to Cleaning in Inverness. Our directory is new and currently expanding to provide more Inverness Cleaning listings. If you represent a Inverness business or organisation, you can get listed in our directory for free - join our network or find out more about our free advertising services.
Results 1 to 2 of 2 |
Trees Carpet Cleaning
Trees Carpet Cleaning is a family run cleaning business specialising in professional carpet stain removal, upholstery cleaning and carpet cleaning in Inverness and the surrounding areas such as the...
Aslaich House, East Lewiston, Drumnadrochit, Inverness, Inverness-Shire. Tel: 07930194137
Crown Cleaning Services
Crown Cleaning Services is a local cleaning business located in Inverness. We offer carpet cleaning, oven cleaning and driveway cleaning from our professionals. Our prices are: £40 for...
54 Crown Drive, Inverness, Inverness-Shire. Tel: 07444 085064
Results 1 to 2 of 2 |
- Access Equipment
- Air Conditioning & Ventilation
- Bathrooms
- Bedrooms
- Building & Construction
- Carpets & Rugs
- Cleaning
- Conservatories
- Curtains & Blinds
- Do-It-Yourself
- Doors & Windows
- Electrical
- Fireplaces & Chimneys
- Flooring
- Furniture
- Garden & Gardening
- Heating & Insulation
- Household Appliances
- Household Stores
- Interior Design
- Kitchens
- Lights & Lighting
- Painting & Decorating
- Pest Control
- Plumbing
- Pools, Spas, Saunas & Solariums
- Roofing
- Safety & Security
- Utilities
- Waste & Recycling